Protect Every Byte.
The world’s fastest unconditionally secure data platform for any use case.
Radically secure. Ultra available.
A force multiplier.
Data and attack surfaces are growing at an unprecedented rate, driving demand for data platforms that help you instantaneously understand and unconditionally secure your data across multiple operators and environments.
Defend against any computationally unbounded adversary.
Secure by design.
Unconditional data security demands a quantum-secure, ransomware-proof solution. Traditional approaches often slow data processing and availability. Valkyris™ delivers a hyper-fast, modular, and use-case-agnostic data security architecture governed by the laws of physics — protecting your data against any advances in science and any computationally unbound adversary.
Non-Zero Guarantee *
We guarantee data in our environment has a non-zero probability of being accessed, decrypted, or deciphered by a threat actor with a classical or quantum computer — neutralizing “harvest now, decrypt later” and ransom demands.
* Applies to quantum-secure version only. Non-payment of a ransom demand is limited to data theft events only. Non-zero guarantee does not protect against internal threat actors.
Data security based on the laws of physics.
Valkyris · / val ‘ kir ‘ is /
Valkyris™ guards your data from unauthorized access, theft, and ransom attempts by the world’s most advanced threat actors. Named after the legendary Norse Valkyries, fearless warrior women renowned for their ferocity and power as the “choosers of the slain”— we embody their unwavering determination in our mission to defend your data.
Protect. Empower. Revolutionize.
108 Wild Basin Road South
Suite 250
Austin, TX 78746
108 Wild Basin Road South
Suite 250
Austin, TX 78746